volume 25 number 4 november 2022
Original Articles
Emigration Chests in Ankara, Turkey: Tracing Spatial Trajectories of Tatar Community
Tonguç Akiş
Assessing Imageability of Port Cities Through the Visibility of Public Spaces: The Cases of Famagusta and Limassol
Nezire Özgece , Erincik Edgü, and Nezih Ayıran
Socio-technological Factors and Changing Urban Spaces
Aslı Ulubaş Hamurcu and Fatih Terzi
Evaluation of the Impacts of Identity and Collective Memory on Social Resilience at Neighborhood Level using Grounded Theory
Fereshteh Aslani and Kambod Amini Hosseini
A Lost City and its Time Machine: Vision and Affect in Rail Travel to Machu Picchu
Amy Cox Hall
Neoliberal Aesthetics and the Struggle against Redevelopment in an Italian Postindustrial
Emanuela Guano
The Making of Contentious Political Space: The Transformation of Hong Kong’s Victoria Park
Chi Kwok and Ngai Keung Chan
When Girls Walk: Mobilities of and Resistance to Affective Atmospheres of Unwelcome
Jessica Fontaine
New Furniture for the Box Office: Computer, Ticket, Window
Scott Kushner
Homeless People in Public Space and the Politics of (In)visibility
Pavel Pospěch
A Paradigm Model of Traditional Iranian Neighborhood (Mahalleh): A Grounded Theory Approach
Sepideh Paymanfar and Bahador Zamani
Cross-cultural Encounters in Urban Festivals: Between Liberation and Domination
Lasse Koefoed, Maja de Neergaard, and Kirsten Simonsen
Interspecies Park Life: Participatory Experiments and Micro-Utopian Landscaping to Increase Urban Biodiverse Entanglement
Britta Timm Knudsen, Carsten Stage, and Marianne Zandersen
“Everybody’s Donghu”: Artistic Resistance and the Reclaiming of Public Space in China
Jian Xiao and Shuwen Qu
Sleight of Hand: The Expropriation of Balinese Culture
Gusti Ayu Made Suartika and Alexander R. Cuthbert