Bellow are a list of titles we are seeking reviewers for:
Brutalisme by Mbembe 2020 (reviewed)
Saturation by Jue & Riuz, 2021 (reviewed)
Potlatch as Pedagogy by Davidson & Davidson (reviewed)
Grounded Authority by Pasternak 2017
On Property by Walcott 2021 (reviewed)
Clearing the Plains by Daschuk, 2019 (reviewed)
Settler City Limits by Dorries et al, 2019 (reviewed)
Care and the City, by Gabauer et al 2022 (reviewed)
Reimagining Home in the 21st Century, by Lloyd and Vasta, 2017
Tactics of Interfacing: Encoding Affect in Art and Technology By Fedorova, 2020 (reviewed)
Urban Humanities: New Practices for Reimagining the City. By Cuff, et al, 2020
Routes & Worlds By Povinelli, 2021
If you are interested in reviewing one of titles please contact Ariel MacDonald at arm1@ualberta.ca or spaceandculture.web@gmail.com.
In the body of your email please include which title you are interested in reviewing and little bit about your background.

For any of our readers in Berlin we would like to invite everyone to the book launch of **Care and the City** on Friday 22nd April 7:30pm. Join us afterwards for a Vine. The venue is ProQm Bookstore