Full Issue, Open Access until end of 2020

Pdf Table of Contents: Volume 23 Number 3 August 2020
6 Feet Apart: Spaces and Cultures of Quarantine Rob Shields, Michael Schillmeier, Justine Lloyd, and Joost Van Loon 216
Dancing in Quarantine: The Spatial Refiguration of Society and the Interaction Orders Martina Löw and Hubert Knoblauch 221
Sanitary Crisis, Civilizational Crisis Michel Maffesoli 226
Resilience, Reinvention and Transition during and after Quarantine Kristof Van Assche, Martijn Duineveld, S. Jeff Birchall, Leith Deacon, Raoul Beunen, Monica Gruezmacher, and Daan Boezeman 230
Taking Care of Us from the Neighborhoods in Times of Quarantine. Citizen Solidarity Practices in Vallcarca, Barcelona (Spain) Ana Belén Cano-Hila and Rafel Argemí-Baldich 237
Quarantine(d) Space: Urla-Izmir (Smyrna) Island Gonca Z. Tuncbilek 246
No Safe Space: Zombie Film Tropes during the COVID-19 Pandemic Lúcio Reis Filho 253
Quarantine: Alienated Space by Expert Knowledge Tihomir Viderman 259
This Is My Voice in a Mask Mickey Vallee 265
COVID-19 as Atmospheric Dis-ease: Attuning into Ordinary Effects of Collective Quarantine and Isolation Phillip Vannini 269
Turning Quarantine Inside Out Kamala Russell 274
Academic Southernness as Affective Boldness: A Quarantined Testimonial Eliana Rosa de Queiroz Barbosa 279
When a Social Movement Quarantines: The Power of Urban Memory in the 2019 Chilean Anti-neoliberal Uprising Manuela Badilla Rajevic 286
How a Deadly Pandemic Cleared the Air: Narratives and Practices Linking COVID-19 with Air Pollution and Climate Change Eva Angelyna (Evalyna) Bogdan 293
Thinking with Quarantine Urbanism? Crtistina Bianchetti, Camillo Boano, and Antonio Di Campli 301
Quarantine and Informality: Reflections on the Colombian Case Juan David Guevara Salamanca and Gonzalo Vargas 307
Alone Together: Finding Solidarity in a Time of Social Distance JA Morrow 315
Restricted Spatiality and the Inflation of Digital Space, an Urban Perspective Aminreza Iranmanesh and Resmiye Alpar Atun 320
Quarantine: Contradictory Spatial Practice between Abstract and Concrete Paria Valizadeh 329